Three Valleys Steam Train
Go back in time on board a real steam train and travel through the "Three Valleys" with their amazing landscapes. Leaving from Mariembourg the train goes to Nismes, Olloy/Viroin and Vierves, before reaching Treignes, the terminus of our journey and also the last station before the French frontier.
Bikes and Wheelchairs can be carried.
Come and see our Bar/Dining car.
On reservation we can organise special celebration meals throughout the year.
2024 Special Days:
- Valentine's Day train : February 9th, 10th and 11th
- March 30th & 31st : Easter's Steam Train.
- June 2nd : Barbecue & Restaurant Train
- July 20th : Diesel Festival
- July 21st : Model Train Day
- August 4th : Arts & Crafts Market.
- September 1st : "Local Produce" Restaurant Train
- September 21st & 22nd : STEAM TRAIN FESTIVAL
- October 19th & 20th : Halloween Train.
- December 14th & 15th : Father Christmas Train.

- T. +32 60 31 24 40
- Chaussée de Givet 51 - 5660 Mariembourg
Embarquez à Mariembourg à bord du Train du Père Noël pour un convoi spécial à l’occasion des fêtes de fin d’années !
Profitez d’un trajet tout particulier en compagnie des lutins de Noël de Mariembourg à Treignes.
Un moment magique
- Distribution de bonbons aux enfants sages
- Train chauffé et accessible à tous
- Réservation obligatoire en ligne.
Voyagez à toute vapeur et n'attendez plus pour réserver !
Embarquez à bord du train à vapeur des 3 vallées pour une chasse aux oeufs dont vos enfants se souviendront ! Une excursion à faire en famille, à Pâques.
Un voyage authentique
Fêtez Pâques en famille à bord du mythique train à vapeur du Chemin de fer des 3 vallées. Embarquez dans la vieille locomotive et laissez-vous charmer par les magnifiques paysages. Pour les enfants, ce sera sans nul doute une chasse aux oeufs inoubliable.
Une chouette escapade pour les petits et les grands !
Get up close to various steam locomotives and ancient train carriages present for this festival. Go back to your childhood in Mariembourg from 27 to 28/09/14!
2014 is a special year, and the theme is: "1914...The Great War...100 years later".
There'll be around 10 steam locomotives and trains will circulate non-stop between Mariembourg and Treignes!
From 10am to 8pm. (Departures are guaranteed every 55 minutes).
The Three Valleys Steam Railway will offer related activities and food. This event is held in a region which is perfect for walks.
Exhibition and sale of miniatures, books and souvenirs...
And, various types of snacks available.
Join the Festival Vapeur community on Facebook!
Special Halloween train from Mariembourg to Treignes, with surprise decorations and entertainment. In Mariembourg on 29 and 30 October 2016.
Every year, the 3 valleys steam railway is organising its Halloween train! Will you dare take your seat next to a real witch or pay a visit to Adolphe the skeleton?
Everyone is welcome, and fear not, the whole event takes place in a family-friendly atmosphere.
In practice
Reservation required (limited capacity: 800 persons).