Aquarium-Muséum of the University of Liège

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Want to spend some quality time with the whole family? Come to the Aquarium-Muséum de Liège! A day full of discoveries in an ideal place to learn and have fun.

The Aquarium-Muséum is :

The Aquarium: immerse yourself in the biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems through 300 species in their natural environment reconstituted in some 50 aquariums. Educational fact sheets and the Fishipedia virtual encyclopedia help you learn more about the different specimens throughout your visit.
Try to find our two Wobbegongs, a pair of carpet sharks camouflaged in the decor of their tank!

Treasures in a museum?
The TréZOOr room: discover the history of the institution and its emblematic pieces: extinct animals, didactic wax and glass models. The Blaschka glass models, the only collection of its kind in Belgium, are a marvel to behold and a source of admiration for visitors.

A combined offer for maximum discovery. The gates of Science are open to you: your admission gives you access to the Maison de la Science and to the different areas: the Planetarium, the Botany and Evolution Galleries.

Maison de la Science:
Visitors set out to discover the science hidden in their everyday lives! They can carry out experiments himself, look at the collections of scientific apparatus, produce rain in the augmented reality sandbox or make the sun shine... During the visit, a scientific animator takes them on a journey of fascinating science and allows them to make surprisingly playful and didactic discoveries!

The "Planetarium", gateway to the vastness of the universe
Set off on an adventure into the infinity of the Cosmos! Immersed in a virtual celestial vault, you can explore the Universe without leaving your seat. From the cycle of the seasons to the constellations and space exploration, animations and videos invite you on a journey of spectacular discovery of our solar system.
Please note: this activity is not open on the 1st Sunday of the month. Before your visit, check the schedule.

The Botany and Evolution Galleries
The Gallery of Botany covers various topics: the history of botany, the functionality of plants, the herbarium, the relationship between humans and plants, etc. In the Evolution gallery, the visitor discovers the major stages of evolution (emergence of the first cells, disappearance of the dinosaurs, etc.).
Please note: the Galleries are not open on the 1st Sunday of the month.

Aquarium-Muséum & Maison de la Science: escape and experiments guaranteed!
  • TEC Bus n° 4 and 17 - signposted.

Plongez dans l'univers mystique de la forêt pluviale du Grand Ours à l'occasion de Great Bear Rainforest, une exposition photographique à l'Aquarium-Muséum Universitaire de Liège.

Expo photo nature à Liège

L'exposition Great Bear Rainforest vous transporte au cœur d'un écosystème fragile où la vie sauvage et les cultures ancestrales se rencontrent de manière spectaculaire.

Chaque photographie capturée par Ian McAllister, défenseur et photographe renommé, raconte une histoire de survie et de résilience.

En explorant cette galerie, vous découvrirez les défis écologiques urgents que cette région affronte : de l'impact dévastateur des élevages de saumon et du chalutage industriel en mer, à l'exploitation forestière qui menace des habitats cruciaux. 

Cette exposition vous invite également à agir. 

Un regard unique sur la nature et sa conservation.