Gallo-Roman Centre

4.3/5 (182 Google reviews)
The town of Ath is well known for its folklore, but did you know that it is home to two other giants measuring around 12 metres?

They are two wooden boats, a barge and a dugout canoe, preserved at the Espace gallo-romain. Damaged by time and patiently restored, these real treasures bear witness to our past and the skills of our ancestors.

These two sleeping giants lie among a wide variety of collections, most of which date from the Gallo-Roman period: objects made of leather, glass, ceramics, wood and metal. These include objects from everyday life, such as crockery, shoes and tools, as well as rare and unusual items such as boats, swords, statuettes and ..... The barge, recognised as a Treasure by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, and the pirogue are undoubtedly the major pieces!
A visit to the museum is your chance to discover them.

The Espace gallo-romain also features temporary exhibitions that are educational and packed with archaeological artefacts, as well as tours, events and activities for families, history lovers and school groups.
Visit the museum's website and calendar to find out more.

Immerse yourself in the history and daily life of the Gallo-Romans, from navigation to ancient skills.

Discover the past while having fun!
  • Ath, half way between Lille and Brussels.
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L'Espace gallo-romain de Ath ainsi que l'Archéoparc de Malagne à Rochefort sont à l'initiative de cette nouvelle exposition intitulée Du jardin romain à la gestion des déchets. 

Deux thématiques du quotidien

Prêt pour un saut dans l'Antiquité romaine pour découvrir les jardins à la romaine et comparer nos habitudes de tri des déchets avec les gestes antiques ?

Grâce à des panneaux didactiques, colorés et illustrés, assortis et complétés par des jeux, des QR codes, des maquettes, des vidéos, l'exposition traite de manière ludique deux thématiques d’actualité : le lien entre nature et l’Homme ainsi que la gestion des déchets.

A découvrir également, des objets archéologiques wallons et du nord de la France.

Une exposition familiale à ne pas manquer à l'Espace gallo-romain d'Ath.